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Our BRMT Programs

We teach several multi-level tracks of BRMT. Learn about where each track will take you, and which one may be the best suited for your needs.


BRMT Fundamentals, 

levels one, two, and three.

BRMT levels One, Two, and Three are the fundamentals of Rhythmic Movement Training. Each course delves into a different area of the brain and the reflexes affecting that part of the brain. Level One covers the brain stem, cerebellum, and basal ganglia, with a specific focus on ADD/ADHD and body awareness, as well as learning the 17 fundamental movements. This course is a comprehensive introduction to BRMT, and is required for all other courses.

Level Two discusses the role of the limbic system in emotional regulation, mental health, anxiety, phobias and stress, as well as how BRMT can be used to help children with autism. Innate reflex movements stimulate the connections between the lower parts of the brain and the limbic system, which is closely linked with the prefrontal cortex. This course explains how the simple BRMT movements can transform emotional well-being by creating these neural connections. Any Level One course is the prerequisite for this course.

In Level Three, students will learn about the neocortex, which is the large part of the cerebral cortex involved in high-level cognitive function, including sensory perception, cognition, motor functions, spatial reasoning, and language. This course focuses on how reflexes associated with the neocortex can impact writing, vision and reading, and even cause dyslexia. Any Level One course is the prerequisite for this course, and a Level Two course is highly recommended.

Exceptional Children Program,

levels one and two.

BRMT's Exceptional Children courses are designed to benefit children who experience more challenges than most. These courses will most benefit those who work with children in an academic or therapeutic setting, as well as parents of exceptional children. Both courses include unique games and activities that can be used in conjunction with BRMT movements in order to integrate primitive reflexes.

Exceptional Children Level One covers 7 primitive reflexes, including the Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex, the Spinal Galant Reflex, and the Babinski Reflex. Participants will learn how to use BRMT to improve motor, emotional, and cognitive functions in children, especially those with special needs. This course provides valuable information on treating Autism Spectrum Disorder, and ADD/ADHD. There are no prerequisites.

Level Two focuses on improving the emotional and cognitive functions of young children and those with special needs. It includes an introduction to diet, and delves even more deeply into using primitive reflexes to develop language, motor ability, attention, impulse control, and sensory processing in exceptional children. This course covers working with cerebral palsy and strokes, as well as the testing and integration of several reflexes, including the Moro and Fear Paralysis Reflexes. Prerequisites are Exceptional Children Level One or BRMT Level One.

Pain Management Program,

levels one and two.

The Pain Management program is designed to help people of all ages eliminate body pain from their life. BRMT has been proven to reduce all kinds of pain, from chronic to acute, including neck pain, back pain, joint pain, and muscle pain. 

Pain Management Level One discusses how active reflexes and emotional stress can lead to chronic muscle tension. If left untreated, this tension can contribute to joint pain, scoliosis, a rotated pelvis, and even osteoarthritis. This course will cover the basic primitive reflexes that are linked to bodily pain, and how simple integration techniques can lead to major pain relief. It is designed for beginners, so there are no prerequisites for Pain Management Level One.

Pain Management Level Two is a more in-depth course. Participants will learn about all reflexes covered in the BRMT program and their potential to cause pain and chronic conditions, taking a closer look at specific areas where pain and tension occur (including the neck, upper and lower back, hips, legs, knees, feet, shoulders and elbows). There will be an emphasis on osteoarthritis, and how BRMT can be used to prevent and heal osteoarthritis pain. Either Pain Management Level One or BRMT Levels One and Two must be taken before attending this course.